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Maria Elizabeth received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in Denmark, after being admitted to The Manhattan School of Music, New York, where she received her Master´s Degree in classical guitar performance with composition as an additional study. Previous studies include a Bachelor´s Degree from the Royal Academy of Music, Denmark.

Her new work, BREATHE, has been featured as a sound installation at the Art Museum Kunstcenter Silkeborg Bad, Denmark, in the summer of 2023. Is was released as an EP at Gateway music in august 2023 and can be heard on all digital platforms. The work portrays the beech tree as experienced in the light from the four world corners and is a new classical piece. The piece was inspired by the stillness of corona lockdown and reflects on the shared breath through photosynthesis as well as the universal circle movement that all living is part of.

Recently Maria Elizabeth has collaborate with the renowned Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen on the recording of her classical work, BREATHE. Please see page on this homepage for information regarding this work. 

In 2022 the release of her album “Prins” saw a musical interpretation of the novel by Danish renowned author, Ib Michael. As a focal point the sea runs through the magic realistic story of two lovers, the seaman Bertelsen and the beautiful woman from Greenland, Aviaja. The sea separates them and reunites them. Thus the sound of the sea is heard on the album in between pieces and songs. “Prins” contains a symbiosis of musical genres from classical instrumental interludes to pop inspired songs. The song "En engel" ("An angel" was added to Spotifys Editorial Playlist two years in a row. For further information about "Prins" please see: 

In 2018 Maria Elizabeths album “Circle the Woods” inspired by the book “Circling San Francisco Bay” by American author, Virginia Anderson, explored the spiritual experiences of venturing into Nature. The album had a concert tour located in Nature and a performance at the Californian TV Show “Timeless Tales” in the company of Virginia Anderson. The program was nominated to a WAVE Award in the category “Spiritual and inspirational”. “Circle the Woods” is produced in collaboration with Danish producer, Henrik Balling, and was played extensively on Danish National Radio. For information about this project please see: 


Maria Elizabeth has received funding from The Danish Art Council and The Ministry of Culture, Denmark, among others. 

She has given numerous concerts in Denmark as well as the United States.




BM from The Royal Academy of Music, Denmark, Aarhus. MM from The Manhattan School of Music, New York, (classical guitar performance with composition as an additional study).

Maria Elizabeth has participated in the prestigious Aspen Music Festival, Colorado, as a performer and a student of the renowned guitarist, Sharon Isbin of the Juilliard School, New York.

Further studies include John Mills, The Royal Academy of Music, London. Composition studies: Karl Aage Rasmussen, Per Nørgård, Svend Nielsen and Professor Giacomo Bracali.

Scholarships (examples)

The Ministry of Culture in Denmark, The Danish Arts Council, The Manhattan School of Music, KODA KULTUR, DPA, DMF.

Publications (examples)

“A Song for Amyntha” premiered by soprano Tonna Miller (employed by The Metropolitan Opera) based on poem by John Dryden

“Dream Eyes”, for solo classical guitar, written for The Hans Christian Andersen Literature Award. Premiered in the Carl Nielsen Concert Hall, Odense, Denmark

New melody composed for the hymn originally by Carl Nielsen for the 150th jubilee of the composer. Premiered in the Carl Nielsen Concert Hall, Odense, Denmark.

“Like a Feather”, album, 2011

“Vintersange of Julesalmer”, 2017,  (Wintersongs and Christmas Hymns) a publication of nine songs by Maria Elizabeth. Published by Dansk Sang 

”Circle the Woods”, album, 2018. Inspired by the book “Circling San Francisco Bay” by American Author Virginia Anderson, who is an eco-therapist and psychologist, who has walked with clients in the mountains surrounding San Francisco for fifty years. Songs of Nature ie. “Eucalyptus Grove”, “The Stream”, “The Woods” etc. Maria Elizabeth participated in the TV show “Timeless Tales” in California with Virginia Anderson. The program was nominated for a WAVE Award in the category “Spiritual and inspirational”.


In December 2021 the song En engel ("An Angel") from the album "Prins" was released as a Christmas single. Since it´s release it has been listed on Spotify´s Editorial Christmas Playliste and has had almost 15.000 streams. It has been performed widely by children´s choirs at Christmas concerts, with and without the participation of Maria Elizabeth. 

“Prins”, album, 2022 (“The Prince”). A musical interpretation of the the novel “Prins” by Danish renowned author, Ib Michael. This magical realistic tale is interpreted in symbiosis of musical genres ranging from experimental, classical, instrumental pieces, ballads and up-tempo songs. A recording of the sea is the thread running through the story and the album.

BREATHE, 2023. Classical work in four movements depicting the beech tree from the four corners of the world with movements: 1. The Euphoric Beech, 2. The Passionate Beech, 3. The Mature Beech, 4. The Silent Beech. BREATHE has received airplay from the Danish National Radio P2.  The classical work, BREATHE was recorded by renowned ensemble Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen in 2023 and is currently available on all digital platforms. The work was made possible by kind support from the Danish Arts Council and KODA KULTUR.

Maria Elizabeth has previously published two extensive books, Grib Guitaren I & II, (2003, 2006) on the development of the classical guitar technique including technical advice as well as numerous etudes and pieces composed by Maria Elizabeth. Published by GUF.


Maria Elizabeth has given Masterclasses at Universities in the San Francisco area, as well as New York (The Manhattan School) and Copenhagen (DKDM, The Royal Academy of Music).

She has performed at numerous venues and concert halls ie:  Musikhuset Aarhus, The Carl Nielsen Concert Hall, The Karen Blixen museum at Rungstedlund, Sophienholm Exhibition Hall for Art, as well as St. Mary´s College, Hayward University, Los Medanos (San Francisco) and The Manhattan School of Music, New York. Maria Elizabeth has also participated in the prestigious classical music festival The Aspen Music Festival, Colorado, USA, working in The Opera Scenes of The Juilliard School, performing with guitarist Lily Afshar and performing in Master Classes held by renowned guitarist, Sharon Isbin, The Juilliard School.

Biografi på  dansk

Maria Elizabeth er uddannet klassisk guitarist fra The Manhattan School of Music i New York, hvorfra hun har en Master Degree i klassisk guitar fremførelse med komposition som sidefag. Tidligere studier inkluderer desuden DJM samt private studier i London. Maria Elizabeth har spillet talrige koncerter i Danmark såvel som USA, siden 2011 med eget materiale, der inkluderer en symbiose af klassisk og rytmisk musik.

Maria Elizabeths arbejde relaterer ofte til naturen.

Maria Elizabeths seneste værk BREATHE offentliggøres på Kunstcenter Silkeborg Bad i sommeren 2023. Værket portrætterer bøgetræet set i lyset fra de fire verdenshjørner og er inspireret af coronanedlukningen. BREATHE er et nyt klassisk værk.

I 2022 udkom albummet "Prins" som er en musikalsk fortolkning af Ib Michaels roman af samme navn. Havet spiller en gennemgående rolle. Det adskiller romanens par, sømanden Bertelsen og den smukke, grønlandske kvinde, Aviaja. Derfor spiller havet også en central rolle på indspilningen. Sangen "En Engel" har ligget på Spotifys Editorial playliste to år i træk. Albummet havde release på TV2 "Go´ morgen DK" og modtog fire stjerner fra GAFFA. Albummet er akustisk indspillet i samarbejde med pianist Steen Rasmussen, bassist Mikkel Riber og lydtekniker, Jesper Siberg. Yderligere programmering af Maria Elizabeth, der medvirker på vokal, guitar og ukulele. Singlen "Aske og roser", der er blevet spillet på P5, er produceret af Henrik Balling. 


I 2018 udkom albummet "Circle the Woods", baseret på bogen ”Circling San Francisco Bay” af den amerikanske forfatter, Virginia Anderson, der beskriver spirituelle oplevelser på vandringer i bjergene omkring San Francisco. ”Circle the Woods” blev spillet på P4 og P5 og modtog fire stjerner fra GAFFAs anmelder Ivan Rod, der bl.a. skrev: ”…. materialet som helhed, formidlingen som sådan – fremstår som skabt ud af modenhed, autenticitet og optagethed af det enkle. Sangene og musikken er gribende, dybe ……****”. Albummet var støttet af Statens Kunstfond, DMF, DPA og KODA. Den efterfølgende koncerttour hvor alle koncerter foregik i naturen, var støttet af Danmarks Naturfredningsforening. Maria Elizabeth medvirkede efterfølgende i TVprogrammet ”Timeless Tales” i San Francisco. Udsendelsen blev nomineret til en WAVE Award i kategorien ”Spiritual and inspirational”. Rejsen til San Francisco var støttet af DPA. Albummet er indspillet i samarbejde med producer, Henrik Balling.


Maria Elizabeth har bl.a. modtaget støtte fra Statens Kunstfond & Kulturministeriets internationaliseringspulje.

Kontakt for udførligt CV.


Maria Elizabeth

Tel. +45 24 65 66 61

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