Grib Guitaren II
An efficient guide to a great technique on the classical guitar.
Review by guitarist John Mills & prof. emeritus Aaron Shearer, whose thoughts on right hand technique has inspired this book.
Contains etudes, pieces, exercises, detailed text, theory, eartraining.
For advanced - professional level. 128 pages.
Published by GUF. 2006. In Danish.
Cover painting by Edward Weie "En vej". Used by kind permission.
"In view of her exceptional talent, her background of education and her considerable experience in teaching the classic guitar, Elizabeth Hersing´s new instruction book should serve as an excelent guide for aspiring guitarists so that they will experience the joy of learning to play the guitar well". Dr. Aaron Shearer, retired prof. at Peabody Conservatory of Music, USA.
"It is encouraging to see the publikcation of this Danish tutor book for the classical guitar, a much-needed and carefully prepared edition which I trust will receive the success it deserves." John Mills, guitarist. The Royal Academy of Music, London and The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff.
Grib Guitaren II
En effektiv vej til en god teknik på den klassiske guitar.
Indeholder etuder, stykker, øvelser og detaljeret tekst foruden afsnit om teori og hørelære.
Med omtale fra guitarist, John Mills samt prof. emeritus Aaron Shearer, hvis principper om højre hånds teknik har inspireret denne bog.
For viderekomne - professionelt niveau. 128 sider.
Udgivet af forlaget GUF. 2006.
Coverbillede: Edward Weie "En vej". Anvendt med venlig tilladelse.
"På baggrund af hendes usædvanlige talent, hendes uddannelsesmæssige baggrund og hendes betydelige undervisningserfaring, bør Elizabeth Hersing nye guitarbog være en fortrinlig lærebog for interesserede guitarister, således, at de vil opleve glæden ved at spille godt på guitar." Dr. Aaron Shearer, forfatter af Learning the Classic Guitar. Prof. emeritus, Peabody Conservatory of Music, USA.
"Det er opmuntrede at se udgivelsen af denne danske lærebog for klassisk guitar; en meget tiltrængt og omyggelig forberedt fornyelse, som jeg stoler på vil modtage den succes den fortjener." John Mills, guitarist. The Royal Academy of Music, London og The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, England.
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